General Age Policies: for booking SSV Operated Programs

 General Age Policies: Children's Ski Programs (Fawn thru Teen programs)
  • Birth dates are what dictate the appropriate program, NO exceptions without Supervisor or Manager approval
  • Even if the child’s birth date is during their vacation, they must be registered for the age-appropriate program. If the parent chooses to leave the child in the lower-age program, that is fine and quite often may work better for the whole experience
  • A child may participate in only one age-based program per trip
  • Even if child is one day away from birthdate, must be appropriate program
  • Fawn-Teen (up to 13): A child may be moved down to a lower-age program only if he/she are a year or less older than the maximum program age. Please make sure guest understands the age ranges of that program.
  • Teen students over 13 should always be booked in the Teen program if being offered, when not offered, follow the current guidelines stated in our literature (age 13-15 to Adventure; age 16-17 offer Max 4s)
  • Offer Day-of Extra Fawn or Extra Bambi ski time option. Can only be booked day of, not in advance
  • Agent should be confident in their delivery of the information. Policies are based on years of experience
  • We should not make additional exceptions to our policies and procedures just because the product a guest wants is sold out

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 Additional Information & Reasons
  • Proven methods over many years of ski teaching
  • Developmental and communication differences
  • Safe lift-loading / riding procedures and policies
  • For safety and quality for all kids in the group, not just their child
  • Example: age range of program could put an almost 7 year old with a just-turned 5 year old…
  • Think about it…
  • Offer private lesson products for families adamant that they want to keep certain kids together. We follow the same basic age guidelines as far as ratio-to-teacher, but the instructor can decide what is “workable” and what is not once he/she meets the kids and can access their ability and learning zones. Agents should stick to standard policies and seek out and On-snow supervisor/manager for exceptions
  • On-snow team, primarily Cidney and Kurt, are more than happy to speak directly to the guest
  • Ask for the On-snow management staff to conduct more-extensive training on Ability Zones and Program age policies and logic.
  • Train agents to actively look at last year’s data to see last ability of child if parent is unsure
  • Have staff go through the Children’s Center on a guided tour when they are learning about Child Care products, not later during the group tour. Maybe good for returning staff as well.
  • How to handle guests who request two different age prograns because they're unsure about how their child will handle (double book the program to hold the space, or can we accommodate). Instead of double booking, book child in appropriate program unless guest wants to stay in lower-age program, and if they end up needing to stay in one or the other, we can accommodate (Fawn or Bambi will be afternoon session).

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 General Age Policies: Child Care (Infants thru Big Kids programs)
  • Child Care (no skiing) must be in the appropriate program based on age, NO exceptions. This is a rule of Utah Child Care State Licensing. This “rule” should only be explained to a guest for ages 3 and below or if their child is enrolled in the “Big Kids” program

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